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Easily compare house insurance options and get a quote today with Insurance Cart. Our simplified process ensures you find the coverage you need to protect your home, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

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Why do I need house insurance?

It’s there to protect your pocket from the cost of fixing damage or replacing things that are stolen, usually because of bad weather or break-ins. In other words, if high winds hurl tiles from your roof, you find your lounge knee-deep in water, or a burglar empties your home of jewellery and laptops.

Fingers and toes crossed, none of this ever happens. But if it does, our home cover will rebuild your walls and put money in your bank account to refill your wardrobes and get you back to everyday life. You can also bulk up your cover using a pick and mix of extra add-ons. They can squash the worry of accidental spills and smashes, give you an expert helping hand with legal worries or protect your bike once you’ve pedalled away from your front door.

Who needs home insurance?

Anyone who owns their little patch of the UK should think about getting cover. Your mortgage lender (if you have one) probably demands it. Because your house or flat is likely to be the most expensive belonging you have, and by some distance. Home insurance can place a protective bubble around the value of its bricks, beams and ceilings – and all the loose bits and pieces inside ­– in case of things like fire, theft, and flooding. Our insurance is cut to fit anyone who lives in the home they own. But we also have insurance that would suit you when renting out your property, or if you live under a rented roof.

If you’re a landlord

You can take out cover that focuses on getting the building itself back to its tenant-ready best, if there’s damage to fix or bits to rebuild. So you can flick the switch back to normal – for your tenants and your rent money – as soon as possible.

If you’re a tenant

Ask your landlord what home insurance they already have. If they’ve ticked off buildings insurance as part of the deal, just protect all the prized possessions that have moved in with you.

What does home insurance cover?

Our home insurance neatly stitches together two different types of cover. For the solid structure of your home, there’s our buildings insurance. For all the furniture, appliances, clothes and valuables you fill it with, there’s contents insurance. We'll replace damaged items with new ones. Or pay for them to be restored, repaired or replaced. Damage due to wear and tear or breakdowns is not covered. Accidental damage is an optional cover.

What’s covered

Damage to your property and belongings

Caused by events like fire, theft, subsidence and flooding – this includes damage to garages and other outbuildings, and anything inside

Cost of lost rent or somewhere else to stay

Your safety comes first. So, if you have to move out for a while after a successful claim – or your tenants do and you’re not getting rent – another place to stay is on us

Protection against injuries or property damage

If you employ someone in your house in a way that our policy covers (like a cleaner) and they get hurt doing their work, we’ll help pay any costs

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